Book Two: School-Time: Tom is at Mr. Stelling's school, and isn't enjoying it too much. He's struggling with Latin and, although he won't admit it, misses Maggie. I think this is because he feels smarter than her and she's always impressed with him - things that just aren't happening at school.

Back at the Mill, Mr. Tulliver's going at it with Pivart, who is apparently infringing upon the rights of the Tulliver's water supply because of irrigation. I'm a little unsure about this whole dispute, but the main point is that Wakem (Pivart's lawyer) is thought to be a crook by Mr. Tulliver. Tom finds out that Wakem's son Philip is coming to school with him and feels a loyalty to his own father against him. Philip is deformed with a hunchback from an accident at birth and Tom for some reason is suspicious of Philip because of this as well. The boys don't have the best of a relationship because of these prejudices. However, Philip is very kind to Tom when Tom hurts his foot, and Maggie, who was visiting at the time, was very grateful to Philip for this. I sense a budding romance between these two. ;) Tom and Philip go back to being somewhat enemies though after Tom's foot heals.
Tom and Maggie don't realize how good their lives have been until Tom's last day of school when he is 17 and Maggie is 13 (approximately - I've noticed that is seems like their ages tend to keep changing because at one point Tom is said to be 15). Maggie tells him their Father has lost the lawsuit - and has lost the Mill, too. He has also fallen off his horse and lost his senses, only occasionally recognizing Maggie. Tom and Maggie set off for home.
The books seems like it's moving kinda slowly by this point. It's a bit repetitive (Maggie gets in trouble, Tom is too proud, Tom can't get along with Philip, Maggie tries to be good to everyone, rinse and repeat). However, I'm much further ahead in the book since I've written this review, and it seems like it has finally picked up some speed.
Picture from Wikipedia.
I like reading your commentary! This is one where I only watched the BBC movie. . .the plot does get more interesting later on. :)
Yayyyy I'm glad you're enjoying it, Marian! :D That's good to know...I'm starting to enjoy it more now, that's for sure. I want to see a film version of it, too! :D
Never read this one - or hardly any classics for that matter but I didn't much care for the Masterpiece film. It was just... depressing! ;-D
Haha my mom doesn't really like Masterpiece films either because she finds them depressing. xD I've never had much trouble with them but I do know British historical films can be very dark in content. o.O
GASP; this is one of my all-time favorite books. It's simply lovely!
It's so good, isn't it, AnnaKate? :D You can read Part 1 of my review that I posted July 22, too, if you want!
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