- On Mondays and Wednesdays I get up at about 8, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I sleep more like until 7:30.
- On Tuesdays and Thursdays I work on my biology for about 1 1/2 hours when I first get up - and I ONLY work on that class. It's a little hard not to get distracted by other classes but for me I really need to spend sole time on each class. So I check updates, do discussion boards, read lecture notes, and maybe work on some reading/writing/exercise assignments if I have time. I take a break in this time too and check my sites and get breakfast. I do the same thing Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays except I work on homework.
- At 9 is coffee time with my mom and Nina! ;D
- At 10 I put my makeup on, clean up my stuff, run errands, whatever.
- At 11 on Mondays and Wednesdays I work on Pychology. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I work on English.
- 12:30 is lunch time! I read, check websites, balance spoons on my nose, and whatever else.
- At 1:30 I practice piano.
- At 2:00 I work on homework, or another 1 1/2 hours of biology on Mondays and Wednesdays.
- Sometimes after all of that I still have work I have to do ESPECIALLY if I have a project coming up. If that's the case, I just work on it in the evening sometime.
That's how online classes work for me! I like make schedules and to-do-lists because I like to be really structured, but you can be as flexible as you want/need to be. The only thing I dislike about online classes is I tend to get a bit of cabin fever lol. But as long as I can get outside and run errands, I'm good. This semester has been a LOT easier than my last because I think I've been less stressed. I really, REALLY recommend designating certain days for certain subjects instead of doing a little bit of everything each day. I also recommend pulling your hair back and wearing comfy clothes - after all, you don't have to literally GO to class, so rock those sweatpants and cute tee shirts. ;D
Have you ever taken an online class?
Picture from Pinterest.com
Online sounds nice! It'd be great not to have to do my makeup and wear contacts at 5:30 am... All of my classes have been on-campus (I commute), but homework assignments are becoming more and more online/digital.
Thank you for commenting on my blog. I really like yours. I honestly have never met anyone homeschooled but it sounds really interesting and productive. I like how you have an schedule and everything (I'm not very organized). Anyways, let me know if you would like to follow each other, bye!
Hmm, it's tricky and you might get all the distraction but I think taking online classes is the way to do things nowadays. :)
Sounds like a good schedule, Lydia. :-)
I talked / thought about on-line classes when I graduated but my interest was with writing and though you can learn some good things through courses, I also knew that was something I could better through practice and advice of people who were authors / writers. Being home-schooled neither my parents nor me wanted to go to college because it's usually a "liberal" education and my parents weren't about to have their 18 years of teaching un-done while I am not impressed with what I read / hear about college campus. To each their own though.
Good for you in making this work - I sure hope it continues to go well for you!!
you look so busy! online class always amazing! Be tricky and have fun too
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@Marian: A lot of my friends that take classes at the campus say how much is online now. Even a lot of their quizzes are!
@Fleur Chelsea: Thanks! It was fun being homeschooled, but so far I'm REALLY enjoying my college classes. I'll check out your blog again!
@Chai Chen: It is easy to get distracted. I really enjoy online classes, though. :)
@Rissi: I can see what you mean. Colleges can be really risky these days. Right now I'm at a junior college, but when I transfer to a university I'm still going to live at home. I really really REALLY do not want to live in a dorm. Like ever lol. But as you said - to each their own. Thanks for your wishes, love! ♥
@Jessille: They really are. And thanks for letting me know about your giveaway! :)
I actually find online classes really easy, I think it's too easy, they don't cover most of the stuff you would actually cover in classes.
I am now following, Please feel free to check out and follow my blog at http://allofthatgoodstuff.blogspot.ca/
My online classes cover MORE material than campus ones because we have to do a lot more writing to take place of class interaction. But I guess some schools differ. Thanks for following! :)
I had online classes but, as a teacher. That was a year ago when I was still a senior in college. I taught basic english to high school korean students. In my opinion, though online classes are fun, classes in school are still more effective.
new follower here through the GFC blog hop. hope you can drop by my blog as well :)
Meg http://confettiandfireworks.blogspot.com/
That's really cool that you taught online classes! Yeah, the experience is different for everyone. Okay, thanks for following! I'll check out your blog. :)
When I went to university, only a few of my classes were online. While I think its great that you can save money living at home etc, I also think the experience you gain from going to university, meeting people, etc is very important. I am very much an introvert person as well, but having to put myself out there was the best thing I could have done.
If I didn't go to university, I wouldn't have met my best friend/love of my life.
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