As many of you know, I'm started my FIRST semester of college this year. I've chosen to take my classes online for a few reasons. The first reason is that I don't want to drive all the way to campus back and forth everyday because I live a good ways off from it. I'd rather spend my time studying during that hour (or writing blog posts). Another reason is that I want to live at home because it saves me money and it's just more comfortable (especially for an introvert). People like them for so many reasons, but those are just mine.

I personally was a little confused how to go about spending my time with the online courses because, even though I homeschooled, these classes are harder AND require more reading/writing/exercise work that traditional on campus classes. I wanted to share how my schedule looks:
- On Mondays and Wednesdays I get up at about 8, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I sleep more like until 7:30.
- On Tuesdays and Thursdays I work on my biology for about 1 1/2 hours when I first get up - and I ONLY work on that class. It's a little hard not to get distracted by other classes but for me I really need to spend sole time on each class. So I check updates, do discussion boards, read lecture notes, and maybe work on some reading/writing/exercise assignments if I have time. I take a break in this time too and check my sites and get breakfast. I do the same thing Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays except I work on homework.
- At 9 is coffee time with my mom and Nina! ;D
- At 10 I put my makeup on, clean up my stuff, run errands, whatever.
- At 11 on Mondays and Wednesdays I work on Pychology. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I work on English.
- 12:30 is lunch time! I read, check websites, balance spoons on my nose, and whatever else.
- At 1:30 I practice piano.
- At 2:00 I work on homework, or another 1 1/2 hours of biology on Mondays and Wednesdays.
- Sometimes after all of that I still have work I have to do ESPECIALLY if I have a project coming up. If that's the case, I just work on it in the evening sometime.
That's how online classes work for me! I like make schedules and to-do-lists because I like to be really structured, but you can be as flexible as you want/need to be. The only thing I dislike about online classes is I tend to get a bit of cabin fever lol. But as long as I can get outside and run errands, I'm good. This semester has been a LOT easier than my last because I think I've been less stressed. I really, REALLY recommend designating certain days for certain subjects instead of doing a little bit of everything each day. I also recommend pulling your hair back and wearing comfy clothes - after all, you don't have to literally GO to class, so rock those sweatpants and cute tee shirts. ;D
Have you ever taken an online class?
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