Nail art has been a trend for some years. I remember when I was probably 5 years old my sister had the Klutz nail art book, and she would do designs on her friends' nails as well as her own. They were simple designs of fishes or flowers or Christmas trees for the holidays. But since the 1990's, nail art has become a worldwide phenomenon and shows extreme artistic prowess in the fashion community.

Nails can be done simply, like the way they were in my day. Painting the nails in a solid color, you can then go back after that polish has dried and add new layers of design in a different color. The extra color can be added with all sorts of items like paintbrushes or tooth picks. Anything to get that extra color just right without getting the nail sloppy.

And whatever style you do, it's mostly ended in a clear coat of polish to keep the colors from chipping off.

The style below could be accomplished by using the technique I mentioned - carefully adding colors until they overlap into the design you wanted.

Or you can use nail polish decals/strips like the ones shown below. Here's where you can get them.

And of course people can get super detailed into the work they do. Check out these fancy Hello Kitty nails below.

To do similar designs to the one above, watch this video from 3TjaJ3's channel.
Nail art is all about being creative. What style you use to make your nails beautiful will depend on your level of skill in making teeny tiny designs and the amount of time you have to put into the artwork. But have fun with whatever way you paint your nails, and remember - tutorials on YouTube and pictures of nail art on the internet are you friends!
Credits: Google Images, Weheartit.com, YouTube
these are awesome nail art ideas ,
i have tried the bumble bee desin and it is easy .
i followed your awesome blog btw .
Glad you liked them! The bumble bee design is soooo cute. :)
Thanks for following! ♥
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