If you met me I would be smiling and laughing in no time.

If you met me I would talk your head off but I wouldn't give much information about my personal life because I'm a pretty private person.
If you met me you would see that my best and really only friend is my older sister. We have so much in common (in addition to being related!) and I don't know many people in my town who have the same standards, morals, and interests as us. She's the best! :D
If you met me I would try to make you feel very comfortable.
If you met me I would ask you what music you liked and then recommend you a bunch of songs.
If you met me you would see how close I am to my whole family.
If you met me I might play a little tune on the piano - only a little one though! I get so nervous and shy playing for people.
If you met me I'd probably be really busy with homework, cleaning the house, reading or working on my blog.
If you met me I would give you advice if you needed it, because I like to be helpful.
If you met me I would invite you to hang out with me at my house, where my mom would definitely put on her hospitality cap and make us lots of snacks and have fun things for us to do.
If you met me I would twirl the ends of my hair a lot - it's not that I'm vain or anything, it's just kind of a nervous habit.
If you met me I wouldn't be able to shut up about how much I love Owl City.
If you met me we would go out on my side porch and talk for hours while blasting a playlist on my iPod.
If you met me we would go to this local coffee house I love and order sandwiches.
If you met me, after we went to the coffee house we would go to THE LIBRARY. :D
If you met me you might think that I'm flighty/ditzy because I'm really bubbly and gregarious but once you got to know me you would see that I'm also a serious, emotional, and deep person.
If you met me I would probably show you my doll collection and kid about it being a little creepy.
If you met me you might sense that I can often be restless when I talk about the places I want to go, the things I want to do someday, the books I want to read, etc.
If you met me you would be "mother hen"-ed because I like to take care of people.
If you met me you would see that I'm not going to change myself just to please someone.
If you met me I hope we would get along really well! :D
What would happen if I met YOU?
This is great, Lydia! It's so nice to get to know other bloggers better. :)
I love the fact that you'll try to make the other person feel comfortable. As Matthew 7:12 says, "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."
Take care, and hope you have a blessed day!
This is a really neat idea for a blog post! A coffe house is just about to open where i live! I am really excited! And i love going to the library! :)
Hope you have an amazing week!
So nice! I love learning more about people-other than just photos!
A's Fashion Files
Shop Kawaii Kitsch by A on Etsy!
Nice :)
And this picture is beautiful!
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